Wat is diz?

De acordo com o dicionário Webster, Age of Mythology pode ser definido como:

Age of Mythology:
noun, adjective, my son's name

  1. Most excellent, superb, supreme;
  2. Crunchy crust, crispy chip, creepy Cage;
  3. Of the utmost importance, appointed by the royal family, blessed by the Pope;
  4. Carrying the child of Gabe Newell, uncle to Marlon Brando, father of Charlie Sheen;
  5. Married to Buda, lover of Allah, friends with benefits with Jesus Christ;
  6. World peace emissary, discoverer of America, genius on free time;
  7. Santa Claus on Christmas, your dad on Sundays, Barney Stinson on week days;
  8. Awesome.

Essas são apenas algumas definições que podem ser aplicadas à este jogo. Venha jogar conosco!