My Old Patches for Dillo

These are a few patches which I've made for Dillo. There is a description folowing each patch. If you have any doubts about any of them, there are any broken links, or I've forgotten to add one, please send me an e-mail at
If you've come to this page by accident and have no idea what's going on, check out Dillo, a very light browser at: The Dillo homepage

Already in CVS Dillo!
squeeze_url.diff and squeeze_nav_push.diff - (against 0.3.0) Fix bug number 100. The first patch fixes function a_Url_squeeze in src/IO/Url.c, when the supplied URL has too many /../ The second function applies a_Url_squeeze to the a_Nav_push function so that the user typed URL also gets squeezed (In my opinion this should be the correct behaviour in a browser).

Already in CVS Dillo!
png_transparent.diff - (against 0.3.0) Fixes bug number 60. This fixes png rendering so that it respects the current background color. This patch will only affect src/png.c. Thanks to Eric Gaudet for his help on the optimization of this code!

Already in CVS Dillo!
menu_pop.diff - (against 0.3.0) Fixes bug number 96. Where when you select `View Source` from the popup menu in dillo, the source opened would be latest opened window, no matter on what dillo window you clicked to view source. I fixed this by making each `BrowserWindow` in Dillo have it's own menu_popup. Oh, this also fixes the `Save page as...` problem (which was the same one).

Nobody commented anything on this one :-(
file.diff - (against 0.3.0) This doesn't fix any bug, but fixes a Dillo behaviour which I consider to be wrong. When you type in an URL like:


Dillo will try to search for the server http://home/livio. I think this is wrong, instead dillo should "guess" this is a local file and try to resolve file:/home/livio.

Already in CVS Dillo!
bad_gif.diff - (against 0.3.0) Fixes bug #98, where some GIF's aren't drawn corretly. This was a problem with dillo not reading corretly the image headers.

Already in CVS Dillo!
new_window_same_size.diff - (against CVS from 17-Dez-2000) Fixes bug #55, where new browser should be the same size as parent window instead of default size. Fixed this by changing `a_Interface_new_browser_window` (interface.c) and `a_Commands_new_callback` (commands.c). There are some minor changes elsewhere, but these are the major ones.

Already in CVS Dillo!
bookmarks.diff - (against CVS from 17-Dez-2000) Fixes bug #110, where new browser windows don't load the bookmarks menu correctly. Fixed this by changing mainly `Bookmarks_goto_bookmark` callback and added `a_Bookmarks_add_to_new_menu` (both bookmarks.c).

Already in CVS Dillo!
bug_71.diff - (against 0.3.1 version) Fixes bug #71, when a source of an image (<img src="...">) is a HTML page, then the title of if gets the window's title. Actually that was just a symptom that Dillo was parsing the whole HTML page.

Waiting for comments...
entity_parse_in_url.diff - (against 0.3.1 version) Fixes bug #114, where URL's that have entities like &amp; aren't parsed as & inside an attribute.

Already in CVS Dillo!
geometry_pref.diff - (against 0.3.1 version) This doesn't fix any bug. I does two things: first it betters the manner how Dillo gets a window size (a_Commands_open_link_nw_callback in src/commands.c). But most importantly it adds a new preference option `geometry'. That way a user can specify the initial desired geometry size.

Still working on...
font_tag.diff - (against 0.3.0) Fixes bug #109, where the font tags are ignored. This is still work in progress, but should work pretty well...

Already in CVS Dillo!
url.tar.gz - (updated! against CVS 10-May-2001) This is a work in progress of a proposal of a new URL scheme. This would make Dillo's internals (for URL's) neater. This is still not only a patch, but a module by itself. In this archive there is one patch and two file (url.c and url.h), and they must be coied to /src/ directory).

Revised by Sebastian and already in CVS dillo
alt.diff - (against CVS from 24-Mar-2001) Fixes bug #116 (no alt text shown). I've managed to create a of "tooltip" for alt tags on images. They seem to be pretty stable on my system, but I want to hear comments before sending this to Jorge.

Revised by Sebastian Geerken and already in CVS Dillo!
ismap.diff - (against CVS from 01-Apr-2001) Fixes bug #135 (where mouse cursor leaving ismap href image doesn't return to normal).

Already in CVS Dillo!
proxy.diff - (updated! against CVS from 23-Apr-2001) This changes the HTTP Query string when there's a Http proxy set. Previously the `Host: ' request-header field in the query was the proxy server, but it seems that the correct value is the host in the requested URL. This patch corrects this.

Already in CVS Dillo!
anchor_no_source.diff - (against CVS from 06-Apr-2001) This fixes bug #139, where direct access to URL's with ANCHORS causes empty source when trying to 'View Source'.

Already in CVS Dillo!
file_select_new.diff - (updated! against CVS from 03-Jun-2001) This improves file selection when selecting files for: opening, saving from current page, saving from Link. Now we use gtk_file_selection_*() functions which is a much easier interface for the end-user than the previous simple entry box.

Last modified: Tue Apr 10 05:19:12 BRT 2001